We are sad to report of the death of our former National Tournament Director, Joe Murray, after a long illness. Joe was the first of the modern Irish Tournament Directors, and had a great influence on the generations that followed him. Before computer scoring became widely available, Joe had already pioneered the idea in Ireland, developing his own computer programs for that purpose.

He directed at every congress and major championship in the country, and was an affable, cheerful, larger than life character, who was great company and always had a great directing story to tell. Joe was involved as the editor of the daily bulletin at the European Championships in 1991 in Killarney. He was also a great friend to the CBAI, and Paul Porteous recalls that, prior to the development of the Association’s offices in Templeogue, CBAI equipment was stored in the basement of Joe’s house in Enniskerry.

We extend our heartfelt sympathies to his loving wife, Moya, and his extended family and friends. May he rest in peace. Funeral details